How To Look After and Maintain Your Plush Toys Collection

Many of us love those little stuffed animals that represent our childhood and our tastes in a beautiful toys, that through its beautiful colors, characters and special designs we dream of keeping it in good condition for a long time; this is possible by applying a weekly cleaning routine to the toys and the shelf to display the soft toys that you have bought and that you have been given as a faithful collector of plush toys.

If you have a large or small plush toys collection you should bear in mind that if you purchase a special edition plush toys and want to take it out, it is best to keep the stuffed toy in dry places so it does not damage the state of the soft toy, since in a few years the plush toys special edition usually cost hundreds of dollars that can help you in an emergency; it is recommended that you leave it away from the sun so that it does not deteriorate the color of the stuffed toy.

Tips for maintaining the plush toys collection

1. Take care of cleaning the plush toys collection yourself since you are the one who knows the value these soft toys have for you.

2. Keep the soft toys away from sunlight as the action of the sun’s rays fades the plush toys.

3. Display it in a cool, dry place, as the places where there is humidity deteriorates the plush toys stuffed toy.

4. With the help of a feather duster, clean each toy and the corner where the animal plush toy collection is located to eliminate dust.

5. Then, with an electrostatic feather duster, you once again clean all the surfaces of the shelf and the soft toys to remove any dust that remains stuck in the animal plush toy collection.

6. If you still see dust embedded in the corners of the plush toys, with the help of a soft toothbrush or a swab you can clean each corner of the animal plush toy and remove dirt.

7. In case you do not have these feather dusters, use a towel moistened with water and cleans all the surfaces including the animal plush toy, then with a dry towel you proceed to dry everything you have cleaned with the damp towel.

8. Let the air in the room ventilate to dry and thus avoid bad odor on the shelf and the animal plush collection, for this you can replace the water with a fruit-scented disinfectant or with the fragrance that you like the most.

9. In case you keep the plush toys in its bag, avoid dampening the bag and only remove dust with the help of a duster or a dry towel.

10. You must remove any dust particles from the room, so proceed to clean the floor of the room and the windows that are the places where the dust accumulates.

11. If you have the plush toys collection in a glass cabinet clean the window with a glass spray and a towel so that you remove any impurities and a trick to polish the glasses is to use a sheet of newspaper and polish after passing the wet towel.

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