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How to Start a Plush Animal Toys Collection

If you like collecting and you’re dying to start your plush animal toy collection, you should be clear about how you should start buying the plushies, what kind of collection you want to get to have, and finally assess whether you have enough space in your home to be able to store so many plushies without deteriorating.

plush animal toy have become a real trend, being desired by both the little ones of the house and their parents. And the key to these soft toys is not in their function, since it is something purely decorative, but in their meaning and in what makes them feel to each person when we buy it and place it on our shelves: nostalgia. That’s the way it is. Plush animal toy is an instrument created to touch people’s hearts.

They are recreations of animals, movies, and cartoon characters, those plushies take us to our childhood or to that series that hooked us so much a few years ago. We love to collect them because we love to remember, that’s their secret weapon.

Now, where to start? The plush animal toy market is huge, so much so that for a collector who is starting out it can become too much and not know what to buy before or after.


In the plush animal toy catalog you can find new models almost on a monthly basis, since their production works based on new successful releases in series or movies. If you’re a lover of a classic series or a movie, you could start by buying one or two of your favorite characters. For example, you could buy a Ted Plush from Ted Movie and Om Nom your child favorite character from Cut the Rope Game.

It’s a way to start separating them by genres and grouping them by the animal types or movie they belong to.

On the other hand, there is a large collection of exclusive plushies, that is, once the available units are exhausted there will be no more. An example of this is the versions of Different Pokemon Versions of Pikachu.


Another thing to keep in mind is that not all plushies are the same size. They usually have a height of 10 centimeters, but there are other specimens up to 100 centimeters.

An example of this could be an extra-large Giant I Love You Teddy Bear. If you want to have a section of your collection reserved for them you should be attentive, very few spears and sell out quickly.


Another essential requirement if you are going to become an official plush animal toy collector is to have space, and preferably plenty of space.

The most expert and faithful collectors of the product say that if you really want to have an authentic collection, you will have to keep the plushies inside their bag. The bag as you may have appreciated also have their charm and are not simple wrappers, they are made so that they can be collected.

While these bags take up twice as much space and there are those who don’t like to accumulate bag when they’ve actually bought a stuffed toy. In either case, we will need to have many shelves and preferably, a display case. It’s a good way to group the plushies into groups and prevent them from getting too much dust.

In addition, in a display case they are much prettier. Truth?

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