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Ways for Children to Have Fun

There are many different ways that one can have fun with or entertain their child. Whether it be with toys, made up games, or arts and crafts, the possibilities for bonding with your child are seemingly endless. To name a few specific things that one could use with their child, there are secret codes that might help a child learn how to decipher, as well as make them feel validated with their intelligence and sense of accomplishment.

Toys that can Boost Creativity

There is also looming, a practice which can help children learn how to work with their hands, and give them an idea of art and artistic satisfaction. At the end of the list for discussion are toys that are targeted at toddlers and teaching them how to speak. Some of these things can be purchased from My Heart Teddy™! The most efficient way to discuss all of these ideas is to go through them one by one, beginning with the secret codes for children.

One type of secret code, according to Melissa and Doug’s 6 Secret Codes for Kids blog, is the scytale. The way it works is that a message is written with a long piece of paper along a cylinder of a specific size. On the rest of the paper, random letters are written down, and the message can only be deciphered if the paper is used on a cylinder of the correct size.

Another good example from the same blog of a secret code for a child, and one that is a bit simpler, is number coding. With this one you assign each letter of the alphabet a number, starting with zero, and working your way up from there. You then create a message using the numbers in substitution of your intended letters, give your child a chart explaining what the numbers mean, and allow them to decipher the message on their own!

Weaving is also Fun and Entertaining

According to Melissa and Doug’s Weaving Loom for Kids blog, teaching your child to weave is not only safe for your child, but can also keep them entertained and be educational for them. If the child hasn’t learned to tie knots, a parent can run the warp for them, or use it as an opportunity to teach them how to do so. They can then use a wooden needle to safely pass over and under the warp strings. Kids also love patting down the yarn, using a fork or wide toothed comb to pat the yarn that is weaved down flat. Once the child is satisfied you can help them with the finishing touches and show them what they created!

Toys that can help a Child How to Speak

There are a number of toys that can be bought from My Heart Teddy™ that can encourage or help teach a child how to speak. Toys that Encourage Speaking and Talking like toy garages and cars are a good opportunity to teach your child words such as “in”, “out”, “on”, or “under”. It also mentions farm magnets as an efficient way to teach a child animal names, as well as the sounds that the animals make. It can also teach them words such as “cold”, or “brrr!’, being used as a phrase to signify being cold, as the magnets will be kept on a refrigerator. If your refrigerator is incompatible with magnets, cookie sheets can be used as a perfect alternative, and will have the same effect.

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